Why Start Doing Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing : “I want to appear first on the Google page”, “I have made my website and nobody calls me” or “My father is going to retire from the family business and I want to start selling online”.
People who work with the client in online marketing agencies often find ourselves with these questions. They know they want to appear at the top of Google but they don’t know how . They have realized that their friends, children, grandchildren, parents, grandparents, absolutely everyone searches for what they want on the Internet.
Through the mobile they find what they want in 10 seconds, whatever it is, it’s that easy and comfortable. The hackneyed but not false phrase ” if you’re not on the internet, you don’t exist ” is just as real in the world we live in today.
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Why Do Digital Marketing? Principal Reasons
Increase in online purchases
According to El report, 70% of households shop online . Entrepreneurs have realized that the way to reach their customers today is through the internet, or they go digital or they will almost certainly face business suicide .yes, although it sounds that hard. You have to rethink what you have learned so far.
Convenience and ease of purchase
Customers want to find what they need easily and quickly. We have become very comfortable because the digital medium gives us that facility 24 hours a day. Now we demand to be heard, to interact with our supplier, to have a closer or even personalised relationship with our brand, that trusts us and is transparent with us.
That is why digital marketing is already one of the main challenges for companies. They want to be right when a customer wants to buy something or looks for a service that they offer. Even go ahead and offer the service or product to future customers without the need for them to look for it. This is possible thanks to the relational experience they have with their customers and the data they analyse about them through their purchase process and their way of acting in the online environment, so they can adapt to their tastes and needs.
In online marketing, time is money
Digital marketing is a necessary step and the sooner you start the better. It is true that it is not enough to have a “beautiful website” it goes much further. It is a strategy, we must be clear about the objectives, analyze the situation to know where we are starting from and where we want to go and know the means we have to achieve it.
Scope: You will be able to sell beyond the local
Let’s imagine an entrepreneur who owns a bean bag store and his competitor has a store across town. He decides to enter the online world. He now has the option to sell..
He analyzes his data and realises that women buy 80% of the products and that they also demand pouffes for children; with which he decides to launch a new line of feminine pouffes and another of children’s pouffes. It invests more money in publicity directed to this audience and even with less cost than it had before with its campaigns in local newspapers and radio.
Also Read : Interactive Marketing Strategy