SEUR: Committed To Talent

SEUR has a history of more than 75 years, so the company has a very well-defined DNA and values, providing a very strong culture. In this sense, they try to bring values to everyday behavior. Their motto is Now Engaged. Now they are the initials of their values. Agile, Honest, Proud, Responsible, and Aligned. And of course, Committed.
From the School of Business and Management – ENyD we have traveled to the SEUR offices to interview Esperanza Núñez, Head of Talent so that she can tell us how Employer Branding works in this company, the selection processes or what importance they give to the formation.
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Head Of Talent
In addition, SEUR has been this last year one of the companies chosen by the School of Business and Management to be one of those in charge of the Final Master’s Project (TFM) of our students of the Official Master’s Degree in People Management and Management.
Over several months, our students have had to design an Employee Experience project, in order to start working on the experiences of people who are potential employees. The designed plan must ensure that the newly hired employees and the candidates who have not finally obtained the position feel that their experience has been good in all the contacts they have with the company.
It is very important that all the people who make up the human team at SEUR share the aforementioned culture and values. “We try to carry this into everything we do on a day-to-day basis. To training, to communication, to the way we behave within a team. We try that these values are more than a slogan or a poster within the walls of the company”.
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SEUR’s HR department has the strategic value of accompanying and developing the entire team so that it ultimately contributes to the company’s objectives within a collaborative work environment. To do this, the company works on employer branding from two focuses, external and internal.
In the internal part, the whole issue of communication is key. In this sense, it is necessary for them to know what professional opportunities they have within the company, to have a transparent training plan that allows them to identify what skills they want to acquire and how the company is capable of solving them, how they can take advantage of what we are a multinational company and they can work in another country, what are all the flexibility and conciliation measures that the company puts in place so that they can take advantage of it and, ultimately, that they are also capable of, within the entire range of benefits that SEUR offers, decide which ones they take advantage of or which ones, to a greater extent, fit them”, explains the Head of Talent.
The external part refers to when the employees are the ones who sell the brand, becoming ambassadors of it. Creating a positive candidate experience should be the key component of any employer branding strategy, but there are still many companies that do not regularly follow up to improve it. For SEUR, keeping track of all the people who apply to its offers is essential to consolidate its employer branding image.
However, most companies do not continue with the communication once the application has been sent, so the number of job seekers who do not receive any type of response is very high.
Therefore, the SEUR Candidate Experience is based on not leaving anyone unanswered, that is, everyone has feedback, taking advantage of the opportunity they have to contact people who are neither clients nor employees so that they carry a positive image of the company and continue to consolidate the brand as an employer.
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