Artificial Intelligence Applied To Locate Tenders

Artificial Intelligence Applied To Locate Tenders : The technical office of your company is in charge of the tedious work of reading and classifying bids on a daily basis, with the aim of locating specifications that are likely to provide a benefit to the organization.
The professional in charge of selecting these opportunities in the bidding portals spends practically 98% of his time reading specifications and only 2% preparing the proposals to be submitted to the tenders.
With the help of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing , you can now adopt a highly efficient system that will improve time to bid capture.
Software technicians have been able to successfully develop a computer system , powered by its own technology, which in seconds provides the user with all the information necessary to find truly interesting bids.
The tool downloads all the specifications on the contracting platforms daily and analyzes the texts in three languages .
Your company can include glossaries for each line of business in which you want to find new opportunities and the system will take care of displaying the tenders in order of priority.
In this way, the user will read in seconds the main points of each contest and will quickly select the specifications in which he wishes to participate. Artificial Intelligence Applied To Locate Tenders is explained in detail.
Table of Contents
Machine Learning
The glossary of terms for the classification of tenders is a powerful element of the system, since it will allow you to save time from the beginning of the use of the tool.
In addition, it has an automatic learning module, which will serve as the perfect complement to further refine the classification criteria.
With a simple click , the user assesses the best bids for his business, showing the system the ones that seem most interesting. In such a way, that if another specification is published in the future that is semantically similar to the best valued.
What Sources Are Included?
The system is responsible for downloading, reading and interpreting specifications on a daily basis in more than 16,000 sources from contracting authorities.
Efficiency in sheet reading
Forget receiving tedious emails with tenders that later do not correspond to your line of business.
The entire team of your company’s technical office will work simultaneously under the same system, improving the effectiveness of the department exponentially.
Keep in mind that tender documents are very long documents. Sometimes with more than 50 pages and full of technical specifications, sometimes difficult to understand. you will improve decision-making in your company when submitting to a tender.
In addition, the application has a simple filter system, which will help you navigate at all times and find the tender you are looking for.
Using this tool, your professional from the technical department will simply have to enter the system to obtain, in an orderly and classified manner, the tenders that most interest your business.
In addition, it will greatly reduce the time that your professionals spend today on reading specifications. In this way they will focus their efforts on preparing and completing the proposals that will provide an economic return to your company.
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